Climate Change And The Politics Around It -

Climate Change And The Politics Around It

2 mins read
Desert Climate Change

Even in the third decade of the 21st century, the possibility of not believing in the visible truth of climate change and its devastating impact is not only frightening but also unbelievable. Climate change is not the kind of scientific phenomenon which demands expertise to be understood. It is the basic understanding of the fact that the climate is changing and not in a good way because of the unchecked human activities on this planet. This change will have a tremendous effect on the coming generations.

Responsibility For The Global Warming

On the international political level, the most important question about the current state of affairs regarding climate change is: Who is responsible for it?

Hundreds of the countries of the world are still not developed or underdeveloped and are developing slowly now. So to put the blame on them regarding the emissions and pollutions caused by excessive use of highly scientific technologies and resources would be a lie. They did not have the means to participate in this gruesome cause. So, it is the US, the UK, Japan, and a few European countries who could be rightly held responsible for the global warming happening from the last two centuries. Even though their share of the population in the world’s population is very little but their share in the world’s pollution is significantly large.

However, the rest of the world has also their share of guilt in the current situation which is quite terrifying. Now comes the tricky politics of the blame game. The advanced countries who are really responsible for the state of affairs want the underdeveloped nations to stop the industrial activities necessary for the development of their economy for the sake of global warming and climate change. This approach while dealing with the imminent threat to the human species has not done well so far.

Industry Climate Change

The Politics Of Denial

If the politics of the blame game seems to be worrying, there is altogether a bunch of people who are steps ahead in this politics. There is this whole group of our species scattered across the planet who simply do not believe in the truth of climate change and global warming. These kinds of people are present in large numbers and in key positions across the political spectrum but are evidently accentuated in the far-right side of political ideology mostly. The big corporates who are creaming the benefits of unchecked use of natural resources are also arrogant of climate change or some acknowledge it very silently.

The Way Forward

The politics of denial or blame game is not understandable to the imminent threat we face as a species. Climate change is happening and it is happening very rapidly. The temperature of this planet is rising at an alarming rate. The scientific community is warning us but their warnings are most of the time even not acknowledged, let alone remain to be taken seriously. It is time that we must act by rising from this politics of denial.

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